Friday 13 September 2019

Welcome Back!

Hope the first week went well and that you're feeling settled with your students and your classroom!

We hope to see you all here on the blog and contributing worksheets you've created and done with your students.

Please email them to us and be sure to give us any new links to resources or activities that we can add to build our one-stop hub on Fridays.

Here are some new uploads for this week. Click on the link to find them below:

Superstitions - Haleema Jafer

Language Companion Worksheets  - General worksheets for any page to get your students to use their binder

Be sure to check out the Sharepoint tab for any resources that have not made their way to the blog. There are plenty of activities and lessons that focus on the ABOUT ME section of the binder that you can download and use over the next couple of weeks.

Have fun exploring!
Your PBLA Leads