Monday 11 January 2021

Happy New Year!

Welcome back! Hopefully you had a restful holiday break, took some time for yourself and did a little digital detox. Or at the very least, unplugged for a few days.  Let’s welcome in 2021 even though it’s been off to a bit of a rocky start. Fingers crossed that it’s a major improvement to  2020. 

This year is starting off with some exciting new changes. Carolyn will be taking on the role of Interim Coordinator and we know she’ll be amazing! Also, I’m looking forward to being your PBLA lead.

On January 19th, we’ll be hosting a ‘What the Heck Do I do on Harts Again?’ workshop. We’ll be offering an optional refresher on how to complete progress reports on Harts. For our new instructors, who may not be familiar with Harts, this will be a good opportunity to learn how to complete progress reports on it.  Stay tuned for times and Zoom invites. 

As always, thank you for sharing useful links and resources.

Check out a fun link that Danielle shared:

Dawn shared a great link to teach Future tenses:

Your PBLA Leads!