Tuesday 4 April 2023

Get a Spring in your Step – It’s April!


Can you believe it is April already? With the forecast calling for temperatures in the double digits, many of us will soon be catching spring fever! Speaking of spring fever, how about teaching a few idioms? You can find a good explanation on spring idioms here: 9 Important Spring Idioms (oysterenglish.com)

This month has lots of topics to discuss with our students. April is World Autism Month, many of us (about 1 in 66 people in Canada) are touched by someone with autism, and it’s important to increase our understanding and acceptance of people on the spectrum. To find out more about this topic check out World Autism Month - Autism Speaks Canada

Of course, in April many people will be celebrating the holiday of Easter:  Learn about Easter: Easter Vocabulary and Traditions in English + How to make Easter Eggs! - YouTube

You can also teach about the celebration of Eid, which marks the end of Ramadan. Here is a fun video from TVO kids on the celebration: Eid Al-Fitr | TVOKids.com and a listening skill-using activity you can pair with it:

Eid Al-Fitr Activity

Some other topics you can talk about with your students could be: spring cleaning, the environment, Earth day April 22, and don’t forget taxes are due on April 30!

Here is a list of lessons for April from Ellii: Calendar – Ellii (formerly ESL Library)

A reminder to check out www.Tutela.ca under their resources section and be prepared to share what you found at our next meeting. For anyone teaching CLB 3, here is a link to assessment templates for RWTs: Tutela.ca| Resource

Thank you to Joy who shared a great resource for free pictures: https://cocomaterial.com/ and to Tracy who shared a great RWT and mapping exercise. Find it here:

Mapping Exercise 1

Mapping Exercise Activity

As always, thank you to Kate for sharing her lesson plans.

Finally, please make sure to check out the Avenue updates from Danielle, and stay tuned for a future HARTs refresher to be hosted by Marina and I before the next reporting period!

Have a wonderful month everyone,

Haleema and Marina 😊