Tuesday 28 February 2023

March is Here!


We finally made it to March! All indications are that March will be in like a lion and, hopefully, out like a lamb. With any luck, in a few short weeks, winter will be just a faint memory.

March is full of teaching topics. We start the month off with International Women’s Day on March 8th. How have the roles and rights of women changed since the start of IWD in 1911?  On March 12th, there is Daylight Savings. Always a great topic for debating the pros and cons of daylight savings. Then on March 17th, we have St. Patrick’s Day (the perfect opportunity to teach luck idioms). March 20th is Nowruz and the 21st is the official start of spring. What are your students looking forward to in Spring? And, of course, Ramadan starts on March 22nd.  Lent is also observed during the month of March. With higher level students you could compare and contrast Ramadan with Lent. They are both periods of fasting and self-reflection.  We also have March Break from the 13th-17th. 

Here is a link for March Break activities in Ontario https://www.destinationontario.com/en-ca/articles/fun-march-break-activities-ontario. Feel free to share it with your class.

Check out ELLII.com for prepared lessons on Women’s Day, Nowruz/Nauruz, Ramadan and Spring - all at different levels.

If you haven’t already tried the ready made listening/writing assessment - what are you waiting for? There are several great presentations this month so why not try out the templates.  Haleema and I would love your feedback on them.

As always, a big shout out to Kate for sharing ALL of her resources with us. 💙

If you have any questions or concerns regarding PBLA, please feel free to reach out. We are here to help.

If you have any Avenue related concerns, please contact Danielle - our go to Avenue expert.

Have a great month.

Marina and Haleema


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