Sunday 1 November 2020

November - Avenue Challenge!

If you haven't figured out how to enroll students and navigate through the Avenue platform, don't worry! We're here for you! Reach out to us or to those who have figured it out if you need help getting started. And when you do get on the road that leads to Avenue, take a few steps further and challenge yourself this month with the following!

  •  Enroll one class on Avenue (AM / PM / Eve)
  •  Complete one course activity as a group on Zoom
  •  Complete one uploaded activity as a group on Zoom
  •  Assign an activity for your students to do independently

What's the End Goal? Complete Stage 2 and Return Assessment Form to Nancy!

Here are some handy dandy resources and links we've collected and added to the blog this month!

I'd love to say, SEE YOU AT THE CONFERENCE this year but ain't gonna happen. Still, we hope you have a good time checking out the online presentations. In spirit, we can meet for our coffees and for those who partook in some evening cocktails, see you there! I will certainly miss going into the BIG CITY!

Have a great month!

Carolyn and Haleema