Wednesday 1 December 2021

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

It’s hard to believe that we are at the beginning of December and another Covid Christmas is soon to be upon us. I’m not quite sure where November went. December is a short teaching month and we all have our favourite resources for the month and for the holiday season.

As always, we’d like to thank all the teachers that shared resources. A special shout out to Kate for sharing her lesson plans for December. They are very helpful. 

Here is the link to the resource from Haleema:

Your English Pal | All ESL Lesson Plans A - Z.

There are a lot of free lessons geared towards higher level learners.

Here is the link to the resource I found:

ESL Literacy Readers ( This one is for lower level learners. 

This is a link to some fun winter activities in Ontario: You may want to share it with your students or check it out for yourself. 

Danielle also posted some helpful sites in our Google Classroom. Take a look if you haven’t yet. 

Also, Danielle will be holding an Avenue 101 Part 2. She has sent the Zoom link. I’m sure it will be full of useful information. 

Please make sure to check out the emails and folders that Carolyn shared for uploading our monthly narratives, TESL certification and other administrative forms.

Don’t forget about our Zoom get together on DEC17th for some Christmas cheer. Details to follow.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday. We wish you all the best for 2022. Enjoy your well deserved break and downtime!

Your PBLA Leads