Tuesday 4 October 2022

It's October Time!

Welcome to fall and my favourite season! The days are cooler and leaves are changing from green to spectacular colours. It is also the official start of boot and sweater season. At this time, you may also be thinking of starting assessments with your classes. Remember to keep it simple for both your students and yourself. Most of you are probably using real world tasks in your classes just remember to make them skill using and include holistic feedback. You can use them as artefacts and include them in your assessment logs.

Here are a few topics for the month of October: 

Thanksgiving, Favourite Thanksgiving Recipes, Halloween, What Happens in Fall.

Haleema and I will be holding a PBLA review on October 7th. Also, Danielle will be holding an Avenue “New School Year Set Up’ workshop on October 5th. 

Here’s a friendly reminder to register for the TESL Conference being held October 26-28th and submit your claim for reimbursement to Mihaela.  

You can check out: https://www.realworldtasks.ca/  for ready made assessments.

Thank you Valerie for sharing her new and improved assessments. Big thanks to Kate for sharing her October lesson plans.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you need any help with PBLA related

Your PBLA Leads

Marina and Haleema