Monday 3 May 2021

Welcome to May!

Can you believe it? Hopefully the spring showers will give us some May flowers.

May brings with it a lot of topics that are fun to cover in class. We have Mother’s Day and Victoria Day. May is also a good month to teach about gardening, plants and insects, Canada and Lyme disease. We also have World Laughter Day on May 7th (who doesn’t need a good laugh right about now). For more ideas on themes and topics, visit here!


Thank you to everyone who shared resources this month. 

Here is the link from Kate about Ontario Parks: Ontario Parks Store

Also, Kate has shared her lesson plans for the month:

Thanks for sharing Kate, they are so helpful for planning the month.

As Carolyn mentioned in our meeting, you can share student success stories with Yatza at Thanks Lara-Lyn for sharing the story of your student.

Have a fabulous month!

Marina and Haleema