Monday 31 January 2022

Welcome to February!

Allegedly spring is 47 days away...but who’s counting. We may be in the throes of winter but February offers a whole host of fun lesson topics. Of course, there is Valentine’s day on February 14th which is a great time to talk about symbols and customs of love, relationships and friendship.

This year the Chinese Lunar New Year is on February 1st. This is a great opportunity to cover adjectives used to describe personality associated with the animals of the Chinese zodiac.

We also have Groundhog Day on February 2nd, where we learn how much more winter we have in front of us. And, we can’t forget the Beijing Winter Olympics which starts on February 4th. ESL Library has material related to this. 

February is also Black History month which is observed not only in Canada, but also in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. It is a special month to honour the experiences and legacies of those who became an important part of black history. 

Recommended Movie for Black History Month for High -  Intermediate / Advanced Students:

An aspiring author during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African-American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis.    

A friendly reminder that Progress Reports should be submitted no later than February 4th. You can always reach out to your PBLA Leads if you need any help with this. 

Big thanks to the instructors who shared resources in January. Keep them coming!

A shout out to Kate for sharing her lesson plans. 

Also, don’t forget about Danielle’s February 14th Avenue challenge. I’m sure Danielle will be happy to answer any questions about this challenge and provide assistance.

Your PBLA Leads - Marina and Haleema

Monday 10 January 2022

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! Welcome back. We hope you had a happy and healthy holiday season and are ready to get back into the groove of online teaching in 2022!  As January is reporting month, we know that everyone will be busy trying to get in as many assessments and skill-using activities as possible.  Here is a link to some instructor administered assessments from Bow Valley College for CLB levels 4-7: Instructor Administered Assessments.pdf ( There are a lot of resources out there, but make sure to check out the “PBLA” tab above and look through the “Recommended PBLA Links.”

Also, remember to fill out the assessment tracking log to keep proof of the 6-8 artefacts needed per skill to change a CLB level. Keep on the lookout for more instructions from Carolyn on the reporting procedures.  Marina and I will have a refresher workshop for anyone who needs help with using HARTS to complete progress reports, the date is TBD – stay tuned!

Check out the “Avenue” tab on our blog to see updates from Danielle, and remember to try the Avenue challenge by February 14th

Thank you again to Kate for sharing her lesson plans for January! Please find them here:

Jan - March 2022 - CLB 3+ Lesson Plans

January - 2022 - CLB 3-5

January - 2022 - CLB 5-8

Here's the link to the associated resources - Please remember to SAVE AS so that you don’t overwrite the originals:

See you soon on Zoom!

Stay safe and have a wonderful month,

H & M ☺