Monday 9 January 2023

It's Time to Get Back in Gear!

 Happy New Year and Welcome 2023

Welcome back! We hope that you have a restful break and feel re-energized and ready to begin the New Year. This time of year is great to talk about goals, resolutions and reflect back on progress made in 2022. Chinese New Year is on January 22nd this year and it is always a fun topic to cover with students.

As promised in our last meeting, you will find the Listening and Writing Templates that Haleema and I created to use when you have speakers or presentations in your class. Please feel free to modify as you see fit. We hope that you find them useful for a quick and simple assessment. 

Presentation Assessment Templates: 1-2, 3-4, 5+

It’s also that time of the year when conference summaries and progress reports are due. I know…try to contain your excitement 🙂.  Haleema and I will be hosting a Hart’s refresher. More details to follow.

Thank you to everyone for sharing material, resources and assessments throughout 2022. Please continue to pass on any material/information that you found useful. 

As always, a big ‘Thank you’ to Kate for sharing her lesson plans and knowledge.

Don’t forget to check out what Danielle has going on with Avenue.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any PBLA questions or concerns.

Your PBLA leads,

Marina and Haleema