Monday 1 May 2023

April Showers Bring May Flowers (or possibly more snow)

We’ve had our April showers so now it’s time to bring on the May flowers. Hopefully, May will delight us with sun, warm weather and new blossoms. The start of May also brings us to the last 7 weeks of classes. We are in the final stretch of the teaching year - where has the time gone??

There are an array of teaching topics for May. For those with (or without) a green thumb, gardening is a great topic.  We also have the Victoria Day long weekend and barbequing. This May, we have the historic event of King Charles’ coronation. And, of course, we can’t forget about Mother’s Day. This is a great opportunity to talk about gender roles and parenting. This is an activity about Mother’s Day around the world from Livework Sheets

Here is Ellii’s May topics: Calendar – Ellii (formerly ESL Library)

We are closing in on our reporting period and as such, now is a great time to get in those last few assessments and update your tracking logs. You can check out Real World Tasks - Home 

for some assessment inspiration. Then you’ll be ready for any benchmark changes you are planning to make.

Haleema and I will hold a HARTs refresher on May 12th, zoom link to follow. We’ll also spend a few minutes looking at  There are a lot of great resources on the site.

Danielle sent out her invitation for Avenue updates on May 5th at 11:00. Be sure to join for the exciting news she was teasing us with at our April monthly meeting.

Also, mark your calendars for ESINC day on June 7th and Summer Centre Staff BBQ tentatively scheduled for June 15th.

As always, big thank you to everyone who shared lessons, material and resources. And, a big shout out to Kate for access to her google drive which she is constantly updating.

Haleema and Marina