Wednesday 11 December 2019

Happy Holidays!

Season’s Greetings! It’s that time again to get ready for some holiday cheer with family and friends. 

December is a short teaching month, and we all have our go-to activities to teach our students about Christmas. For some students and teachers actually, it’s easy to get bogged down with the winter blues. Remind your students there are lots of things to see and do to have some winter fun and get into the festive spirit. Here are a few links to some festivals your students or even you may want to explore during the holidays.

GTA Festivals and Events -

The Distillery Toronto Christmas Market -

Ontario Power Generation Winter Festival of Lights Niagara Falls -

Christmas Glow Etobicoke -

Burlington Lakeside Festival of lights -

Here is another Internet research activity on the Top 5 Winter getaways outside of Halton you can use in your class:  See attachment here!

Whether you were able get some valuable information from the workshops, network with other LINC/ESL instructors, or simply take in the atmosphere of being downtown, we hope you enjoyed the TESL conference! Please don’t hesitate to share what you learned, or any useful hand-outs you received with each other. 

Your PBLA Leads wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2020!

See you next year!

H, C, M

Friday 29 November 2019

TESL Conference and Holidays Approach!

Greetings from the desks of your Leads. Can you believe this year is coming to a close? And what better way to do it than to see you at TESL 2019 in Toronto on December 5th and 6th. Do take notes and handouts from the sessions you attend to share on this blog for our final post of the year on Planning Day December 13th. Your PBLA Leads will divide and conquer and attend worthwhile sessions on PBLA and share updates with you, though feel free to join us in those sessions!

The Holidays are upon us - and the preparations for Christmas and/or New Years celebrations have begun at home and in our classrooms. Can't help you at home, but here are a few things to help you in your classroom:

Our monthly planning Calendar from Carolyn:
December ESL Calendar - From Carolyn Flores - Ideas for planning

And from Haleema in relation to shopping:

Shopping Idioms  - Black Friday and onwards - Haleema Jafer  CLB 4 +
Confessions of a Shopoholic Movie Lesson - pairs well w/ debt/credit/xmas - Haleema Jafer CLB 4+

Since we can't go on long distance class trips, Ana has provided a way with these virtual tours :
100 Incredible & Educational Virtual Tours You Don't Want to Miss -

Valerie found two resource links for us - do check them out!
Worksheets, phonics, primary resources
ESOL Curriculum For Teachers | Queens Public Library

We've shared this before, but just in case you missed it, check this link for LINC PBLA (CLB 1,2,3)
LINC Canada

Kate always brings a wealth of materials from her collection, here are a few on the theme of give, take, bring and have:
Bring Take Give Have Grammar Lesson - Kate Maven gives, you take! lol CLB 3+
Give Bring Take Give Collocations - Kate Maven, Give or Take...CLB 3+
Take Have Bring Give blank chart - Kate Maven brings you this chart for student practice CLB 3+

And, as a teaser for her new Books - 100 Secrets for Understanding Canadian Culture, Kate has share two:
Secret #100 S.A.D - From Kate's fabulous Book: 100 Secrets of Canadian Culture - CLB 3+
Secret # 7 Statutory Holidays - From Kate's fabulous Book: 100 Secrets of Canadian Culture CLB 3+

Here is the link for purchasing these materials from Amazon: 100 secrets catherine maven

Ana is currently working on purchasing sets of these two books for each site, however, if you want your own copy and you want to support our prolific and wonderful in-house author, do consider purchasing these worthwhile books!

Enjoy the next two weeks, they will fly by!

Your Leads,
M, C, H 💓

Friday 25 October 2019

Moving on to November!

Hi Everyone!

Hope you have been enjoying October and all the fun activities around Thanksgiving and Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, there's plenty to do with your students. Anyone carving pumpkins this year?  If you're looking for some ideas or links to Halloween worksheets and activities, you can visit here!

It won't be long until we hit November, so here's a link to a teaching calendar here as well as a list of some similar / different teaching ideas for you to do with your students here

There's lot to do...Remembrance Day, Movember "moustache" month, shopping and sales (yes, we ride on the back of those Americans - Black Friday and Cyber Monday), and don't forget about Daylight Savings Time which ends on November 3rd!

What we've uploaded to the blog this month:
Grammar Worksheets - in one whole package! - Marina Sibio
Classroom Etiquette 2019  - Marcella Jager


*any input / feedback on making use of the Language Companion binder or doing the Weekly Reflection with your students this month? We'd love to hear from you and /or your ideas and suggestions. 

Teacher Created Worksheets for October - Thanks Haleema for the Everybody Loves Raymond activities!

For those teaching CLB 4+ - Everybody Loves Raymond is a great listening activity for your students. You can find complete seasons on Amazon here. See Haleema's overview of this popular sitcom above. The English is fairly easy and students can pick up on some cultural expressions relating to family and relationships and all that's in between. Not to mention, it's full of laughs!

Last but not's Kate Maven and what she's been up to...(and she's ALWAYS up to something!)

I wrote this book because there are many unwritten rules in Canada that newcomers and their families need to know to succeed here. With a lifetime of experience in Canada as an educator, a mother of three, and as a worker in banking, computers, marketing and employment counselling, I discovered that a lot of the social rules in Canada aren’t clearly explained anywhere. In my 30 years of teaching ESL, I have shared many of these secrets with my ESL students, who told me that because this information has really helped them to integrate into Canada, I should write a book! Keep in mind, however, that these are MY OPINIONS about things you should know about “Canadian” culture.

Check it out at Amazon here!

Way to go Kate! Students and teachers alike will enjoy this!

Keep sending those worksheets and activities and we'll get them uploaded next month!

Enjoy November!

Friday 27 September 2019

Fall into Fall!

HALEEMA JAFER - The season of chilly nights and warm pumpkin lattes is upon us, and there is just so much to teach in October! Food, Shopping, Nutrition, and Recipes, are just a few topics that could be a natural precursor to teaching about Thanksgiving. 

Download October's Recommended Topics and Themes here

We had some great activities posted last week and here are a few internet research actives on fall fun (posted in PBLA and Teacher Created Worksheets):

As well, Irene has shared some great materials on the topic of health. We couldn't post it all, but here's one relating to Canada's Food Guide (2015).

...One of my favourite activities to do with my class is creating “Fall Stories.” Of course, students should have studied fall vocabulary. This activity can be done with any level, and adapted to any season.

First, divide your class into groups of 3 or 4. Each group is given a piece of chart paper and marker. On the board write “Fall” at the top, and under write: nouns/verbs/adjectives/holidays. Do a few as an example: leaves/hike/colourful/Thanksgiving. Students brainstorm as much vocabulary as possible in 20 minutes or given time.

Next, I take up our answers on the board, but also try to incorporate some listening. As the groups share their answers I write the words on the board. The other groups must listen carefully and put a check mark beside the words they have on their charts, so we don’t have repetition when reporting back.

Once we have all the words on the board, the groups are given another chart paper and together as a group, must write a story about fall.

Finally, after all the stories are completed, each group posts their story on the board. The group writer gets to choose the group reader. Students read their stories to the class, and we correct each one as a class. Presto - a listening, speaking, reading and writing activity in one!

By now, most of your students have received their Language Companions and we can begin to get into the habit of “feeding the binders.” We all have our stock assessments and go-to skill-using activities, but it’s sometimes a challenge to get the students to fill out those weekly reflection sheets.

Rather than have students work individually to come up with meaningful content for what they learned the previous week, why not get your class to do it together? There are a number of sample templates that are available. Choose one you like, project it on the board and brainstorm answers together. Rather than my usual Monday morning “How was your weekend? “warm-up, I may just do Monday morning reflections!

For a teaching Calendar from Halton/Peel Linc clink on this link:  Teaching Calendar October

Thank you everyone for sharing the great activities and resources! Please continue to share, and remember to check/subscribe to our blog for ideas!

Your PBLA Leads

Friday 20 September 2019

It's Binder Time!

Happy Fall! We hope the next few blog updates will give you lots of useful links you can use for your classes. All links in these blog posts are found in the pages of this blog for future reference, or upload them to your files immediately if you find them useful.

Like it or not, it's Binder time - the most wonderful time of the year! (lol), You likely have your favourite templates for the binder's ABOUT ME section, but here is a link that has a variety of templates to use for all levels if you are looking for something: 
Sample Templates: Needs. Goals, Autobiography, Reflections

Also, here is yet another weekly reflection that focuses on summarizing their learning and self-improvement for CLB 5+:
Weekly Reflection/Review

If you are one of those...(who is assessing already) here is a copy of the Ongoing Assessment Chart to track all of your student's assessment levels:
Ongoing Assessment Chart

If you are forgetting all those details about our Staff meeting, Ana sent us a summary via email last week (thanks Ana!) and then this link to it on Centre point if you need a quick refresh. Just hover your mouse over blank area: (wow Ana, what a big link you have -lol)

Speaking of Fall, here is a worksheet for a Fall Group Discussion practicing the Present Perfect Tense I use every fall -  Change and use as you wish:
Fall Group Discussion 

The Milton Fall Fair is coming next weekend - people from all over Halton come up for it so I'll share a few great reading activities Dawn and Joy created. Dawn has two flyers - one for the Fair that you can use to create a reading activity, as well as fort The Pumpkins After Dark festival.....creeeepy good fundraiser:

Fall Fair and Pumpkins After Dark Flyers

Joy has two activities that are well worth looking into as well:
Fall Activities Websearch
Milton Fall Fair Reading Activity CLB 2/3

And Finally, a great warm-up Sentence correcting activity (focused on plural forms) from Valerie for lower levels you can use Monday morning:
Correct the Sentences Review - CLB 2/3

We are loving all the sharing (haha, we know love is a stative verb and should not be continuous but we're just talking like natives here :) So keep it coming!

The next Blog post update will also focus on Fall - so if you have any FALL activities/worksheets, send them in to us and we'll share. Remember to include instructions at the top of your worksheet :)

Happy Binder Time!

H, C, M

Friday 13 September 2019

Welcome Back!

Hope the first week went well and that you're feeling settled with your students and your classroom!

We hope to see you all here on the blog and contributing worksheets you've created and done with your students.

Please email them to us and be sure to give us any new links to resources or activities that we can add to build our one-stop hub on Fridays.

Here are some new uploads for this week. Click on the link to find them below:

Superstitions - Haleema Jafer

Language Companion Worksheets  - General worksheets for any page to get your students to use their binder

Be sure to check out the Sharepoint tab for any resources that have not made their way to the blog. There are plenty of activities and lessons that focus on the ABOUT ME section of the binder that you can download and use over the next couple of weeks.

Have fun exploring!
Your PBLA Leads

Wednesday 28 August 2019

The Dog Days of Summer Aren't Over Yet!

The dog days of Summer are fading fast, and yet, the weatherpeople say it may be a warm September. Don't get out your corduroys yet! We may be back to work soon, but summer doesn't have to be over as soon as you enter the classroom. May I make a suggestion for September? 

Lesson One:  Enjoy the sunshine and the green gorgeousness of September with your class on a walking tour of your area (I am sure some of you have already done this). Point out different places and things, your students will ask plenty of questions and will learn a few things about the local area and learn a few new words. 
Go back to class and map out your route on a transit map (I use the old and now extinct Milton Transit Map 2015) or find one online and have your students draw a map and label it based on what they just experienced and the online/paper map they are viewing. Compare and discuss, laugh and learn. 

Lesson Two: I follow-up this lesson with another mapping challenge the next day/week - I write places on the board for them to locate on the map (their home, children's school, their neighbourhood park, the hospital, nearest fire station, their favourite restaurant, The Centre etc ) with a partner. Then they switch partners. It's a way to get the map in their heads but also a way to talk about their neighbourhood with a fellow student to get to know them better. They then place a marker on a class map on the wall to show where they are located in Milton. 

Lesson Three: The following day/week I have the students review asking for and giving directions. Then, for practice, I have them go back to the maps, and as they re-orient themselves with the map I write a list of local trips on the board such as: Home to The Centre,  Home to the Library, The Centre to your Grocery store  etc. With partners they have to take turns asking for and giving directions , the partner that asked is trying to follow the directions on the map with their finger. It's a challenge for both to give and follow directions and ends up all over the map so to speak. (haha) 
Then have them change partners and come up with their own direction questions and practice again but this time outside on the sidewalk. I ask a volunteer to orient the class (east/west/north/south, where's the hospital, where's downtown etc) first, then with their partners practice asking for and giving directions, using (polite) hand gestures to point in the right direction. I go around and listen and offer suggestions if needed. 

I like to challenge students to know where they are in their new home town and be able to gradually get the map of Milton in their heads with some practice in giving directions. This is also a way to get off your chair, sneak outside and get some Vitamin D before we wave the delicious dog days of summer goodbye, Enjoy!

Monday 3 June 2019

June Planning

For many teachers and students, June marks the end of the school year, but for others, it's about getting ready for summer classes! There's still a lot to talk about with your ESL students so be sure to check out our June Topics and Themes and don't forget to follow ESL Made Easy for weekly posts. One topic that may not get a lot of attention is Father's Day (June 16th). Why not use the days ahead to talk about the history of Father's Day as well as the various roles fathers play in the family and in the community.

Other noteworthy topics for this month are World Ocean Day, International Sushi Day, the start of Ramadan, the Summer Solstice, World Music Day, and International Anti-Drug Day. Stay tuned for related links to recommended ESL worksheets and activities!

Thursday 2 May 2019

Halton Farmer's Market

Farmers' markets in Halton are a welcome sign of spring and summer every year. Below is a listing of numerous neighbourhood farmers' markets in and around the area. Operating hours may change frequently. Where possible we have included an individual market website – please click on the market title to see more details.

Click here for more details!


Here are some suggested topics (some leaning more towards North American culture) for monthly curriculum planning or for a quick idea. These topics can be supported with easy to find authentic material online, in newspapers, flyers, magazines or on TV.

Click here for MAY!

Friday 12 April 2019

Be sure to check out Polycultural Immigrant and Community Service's workbook to complement the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program here.

This booklet was developed to provide an extra resource for language instructors to use, in addition to their course material. It also helps language learners practice and develop their skills in reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension of the English language. Activities are designed for CLB levels from Literacy to CLB 7.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

April 2019 Newcomer Newsletter from Centre for Skills Development

Subscribe today to receive your Newcomer Resource 

Better yet....let them know you want to be part of the next one!

World Health Day!

World Health Day, celebrated every year on April 7th, was created to raise awareness about key global health issues. This year's theme is UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE and raising awareness this issue worldwide. As a global issue, your ESL students may find this to be an especially interesting topic that can generate some lively discussion!


1. What was the most recent news story you heard or read about concerning a major health concern? Explain.

2. What are some major health concerns related to the environment and the way people live (diet, exercise...etc.) in your home country? What programs and services are in place to help in the prevention and treatment of these health issues/concerns?

3. How has food manufacturing, processing and transportation changed over the years (i.e. genetic modification, pesticides, the use of hormones, buying locally vs. importing)? Do you think people's diets and eating habits have also changed? Explain.

4. How has technology and the environment changed the way we live? How has this affected our overall health?

ESL Library: Health Matters - Lesson Plans
Busy Teacher: 7 activities around the topic of health
Altius Directory: World Health Day activities
Breaking News English: Lessons on various health issues 
ESL Made Easy: Recommended links around the topics of food, health and wellness

Friday 29 March 2019

April Planning

April is a busy month! Be sure to check out suggested themes and topics here!

See ESL Library's list here, too.

Happy Planning!